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[29 juillet 2011]

France-Europe summit: 15 years of evolution for doctorate

The CJC and Eurodoc (the European Council for Early Stage Researchers) organize a summit on September 30th, 2011, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, for the 15th anniversary of the CJC and the publication of the first paneuropean survey on the working conditions of early stage researchers.

Registration is free but mandatory, please fill this form.

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[20 juin 2011]

Presidency of the CJC interviewed on DOCTEO

At the end of the third summer university of the CJC, the president and the vice-president of the CJC were interviewed by DOCTEO and made a quick review of the actions of the CJC in the last year.

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[31 mai 2011]

European recruiting event for PhDs: The PhD Talent Career Fair - June 23 and 24 - Paris

PhD Talent is organizing a European recruiting event for PhDs - The PhD Talent Career Fair will take place between 23 and 24 June at 104 in Paris.

Over 30 exhibitors including SMEs and multinational corporations will be present throughout the two-day event, to recruit PhDs from all disciplines. We will progressively update the list of exhibitors throughout the month of June.

This is a great opportunity to allow PhDs gathering information about companies and inquiring directly about career opportunities at the end of a doctoral thesis.

In addition, Adoc Talent Management - a HR firm specializing in PhD recruitment will also offer consultation sessions on job opportunities, resume proofreading and mock interviews. They will also present the results of their recent study on the key skills of a PhD expected by business world.

Do not miss the opportunity to meet with experts and learn more about about your future career at roundtables (Expatriation; A necessary step; How to highlight PhD skills; What you need to know for starting your own business? ...). Visitors are also invited to the PhD Challenge (a European innovation competition) finale.

Job opportunities in Europe and Asia will be proposed by corporate partners at the fair. For more information about The PhD Talent Career Fair, please go to www.phdtalent.com.

Important Notes:
Various companies from all sectors will be present throughout the two-day event.
Business attire is strongly recommended

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[3 avril 2011]

Election of the new board of Eurodoc

The new board of Eurodoc has been elected during the annual general assembly in Vilnius. Two members of the CJC are part of it: Ludovic Garattini as the new president, and Raphaël Royer as the new treasurer.

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[7 mai 2010]

Survey on the situation of foreign young researchers working in France

4 years after a first survey, CJC lauched in mai 2010 a second survey to evaluate the working and living conditions in France of young researchers coming from foreign countries.
This survey is now closed but we gathered more than 2000 answers in one month ! Thanks to all the young researchers who answered and/or sent the informations on this survey to their co-workers and friends.
We're currently working on the analysis of the answers : the conclusions should be available in September 2010.

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[24 février 2010]

Evaluation of the thesis charter from Strasbourg

The thesis charter of the Strasbourg University was evaluated by the CJC, upon demand of the university. It is the best thesis charter the CJC has yet evaluated.

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[29 septembre 2009]

CJC General Assembly

CJC elected its new board during the General Assembly gathered the 26th and 27th of September in Paris. The main objectives for this year were also decided, including an never-ending concern about the improvement of PhD candidates working conditions.

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[9 septembre 2009]

you say equality ?

Rules have changed about how curses are counted in the lecturers duties : from now on, remuneration of practical lessons (TP = travaux pratiques) will equal the one of tutorial lessons (TD = travaux dirigés). Except... for PhD candidates ! They will still have to give more practical lessons than their permanent colleagues.
Who's talking about equality ?

[24 août 2009]

New web site, new board... september will be full of surprises !

September seems to be the best month for changes : we decided to upgrade our website, in order to help our visitors to navigate. New menus, new folders, new approach... you'll see the difference very soon.
In September also take place our annual general assembly and the election of a new board. This year, the meeting will take place in Paris the 26 and 27th of September.

[14 janvier 2009]

Eurodoc launches the first europe-wide survey on doctoral researchers

Eurodoc, the european association of early stage researchers, realizes a europe-wide survey on doctoral researchers. Take part in the survey !

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[13 janvier 2009]

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs is still using illegal means to pay PhD candidates

[Press relesase in French] Some PhD candidates, paid by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a low salary, are not covered by national insurance (social insurance...).

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[19 novembre 2008]

Conference "Young Researchers in Europe"

Eurodoc and CJC are part of the organization of the conference "Young Researchers in Europe" that will take place on November 20th and 21st, in the context of the french presidence of the European Union.

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[26 septembre 2008]

CJC interviewed in «Science»

CJC was interviewed in an article for "Science Careers" from the journal "Science".

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[24 septembre 2008]

CJC against the removal of 225 positions for french young researchers

Press release : After the speech of the french Minister for research, Valérie Pécresse, about the reduction of the number of state contracts for doctoral researchers, the CJC asks, on the contrary, for an increase or at least for a statu quo of the numbers of positions for young researchers.

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[22 septembre 2008]

The new board of the CJC has been elected

During its general assembly on the 20th and 21st september 2008, the CJC renewed the composition of its board.

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[12 août 2008]

General Assembly of CJC

The Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs will hold its general assembly in Strasbourg on September 20th and 21st.

[30 mai 2008]

1st Meeting Universities Companies

The AEF (a specialized French press agency) organize a conference about the relations between universities and companies. The CJC will speak during the workshop "Doctorate, research, innovation: a new concern for business?"

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[4 mai 2008]

Doctors and companies: Round table in Rennes

The round table "Doctors and companies" will be held in Rennes, on Friday June 27, 2008. This is the second edition of this event.

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[29 avril 2008]

The decree on sponsorship doctorate has been officially published

Following the new law about universities, the decree on sponsorship doctorate has been officially published in late April. The CJC has participated in drafting the text, under the "Young Researchers" project conducted by the Ministry of Research.

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[20 décembre 2007]

Franco-british colloquium "Research and Innovation in France and in Great Britain: stakes and perspectives"

CJC is invited to participate in this colloquium organized by the Franco-British council. About fifteen personalities of each of both countries will be gathered to think about the propositions and the decisions relative to the encouragement in the innovation.

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[19 décembre 2007]

CJC Board

The last CJC board was organised in Paris on the 2nd-3rd february 2008

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